1. NMR spectra of 1,3-difluoro-4, 6-dinitrobenzene and solvent effects on coupling constants. Anil Kumar: Mol. Phys., 12, 593 (1967).
2. Nuclear magnetic double resonance of a single spin 1/2 system. A. Kitchlew, Anil Kumar and B.D.N. Rao: Chem. Phys. Letters, 2, 216 (1968).
3. Relaxation effects in the nuclear magnetic double resonance spectra of a symmetrical three spin system (AB2). Anil Kumar and B.D.N. Rao: Mol. Phys., 15, 377 (1968).
4. Double resonance study of spin relaxation in two spin systems (AB) couple to a quadrupolar nucleus. Anil Kumar, N.R. Krishna and B.D.N. Rao: Mol. Phys., 18, 11 (1970).
5. Overhauser studies in two spin systems. Anil Kumar and S.L. Gordon : J. Chem. Phys., 54, 3207 (1971).
6. The effect of H1 inhomogeneity on T1 measurements. Anil Kumar and C.S. Johnson Jr., J. Mag. Reson., 7, 55 (1972).
7. Isotropic random field model for spin relaxation mechanisms in liquids. Anil Kumar and B.D.N. Rao : J. Magn. Reson., 8, 1 (1972).
8. Proton spin-lattice relaxation study of reorienting methyl groups in solids. Anil Kumar and C.S. Johnson Jr.: J. Chem. Phys., 60, 137 (1974).
9. Transient oscillations in NMR cross-polarization experiments in solids. L.Muller, Anil Kumar, T. Baumann and R.R. Ernst : Phys. Rev. Letters, 32, 1402 (1974).
10. NMR-Fourier-Zeugmatography. Anil Kumar, D. Welti and R.R. Ernst : J. Magn. Reson., 18, 69 (1975).
11. Imaging of macroscopic objects by NMR-Fourier-Zeugmatography. Anil Kumar, D. Welti and R.R. Ernst : Naturwissenhaft , 62, 34 (1975).
12. Two-dimensional carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy. L. Muller, Anil Kumar and R.R. Ernst : J. Chem. Phys., 63, 5490 (1975).
13. Carbon-13 spin-echo modulations in liquids caused by heteronuclear spin coupling. Anil Kumar and R.R. Ernst: Chem. Phys. Letters, 37, 162 (1976).
14. Influence of non-resonant nuclei on NMR spin-echoes in liquids and in solids. Anil Kumar and R.R. Ernst: J. Magn. Reson., 24 , 425 (1976).
15. Two-dimensional carbon-13 spin-echo spectroscopy. L. Muller, Anil Kumar and R.R. Ernst: J. Magn. Reson. 25, 383 (1977).
16. Two-dimensional spin-echo NMR spectroscopy: A general method for calculation of spectra. Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson., 30, 227 (1978).
17. Two-dimensional NMR: Application to oriented molecules. Anil Kumar and C.L. Khetrapal : J. Magn. Reson., 30, 137 (1978).
18. Two-dimensional NMR spectra of oriented molecules. C.L. Khetrapal. Anil Kumar, A.C. Kunwar, P.C. Mathias and K.V. Ramanathan: J. Magn. Reson., 37. 349 (1980).
19. Experimental techniques of two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy, K.Nagayama, Anil Kumar, K. Wuthrich and R.R. Ernst : J. Magn. Reson. 40, 321 (1980).
20. A two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (2D NOE) experiment for the elucidation of complete proton-proton cross-relaxation networks in biological macromolecules, Anil Kumar, R.R. Ernst and K. Wuthrich: Biochem. Biophys. Research. Commun., 95 , 1 (1980).
21. Studies of J-connectivities and selective 1H-1H Overhauser effects in H2O solution of biological macromolecules by two-dimensional NMR experiments. Anil Kumar, G, Wagner, R.R. Ernst and K. Wuthrich, Biochem. Biophys. Research Commun. 96, 1156 (1980).
22. Comparison of selective proton-proton Overhauser effects in biological macromolecules observed by one-dimensional and two-dimensional NMR experiments. Chrish Bosch, Anil Kumar, R. Baumann, R.R. Ernst and K. Wuthrich: J. Magn. Reson, 42, 159-163, (1981).
23. Improvement of 2D NOE and 2D correlated spectra by triangular multiplication. R. Baumann, Anil Kumar, R.R. Ernst and K. Wuthrich: J. Magn. Reson. 44, 76-83 (1981).
24. Systematic application of two-dimensional 1H NMR techniques for studies of proteins II: Combined use of correlated spectroscopy and nuclear Overhauser spectroscopy for sequential assignments of backbone resonance and elucidation of polypeptide secondary structures. G. Wagner, Anil Kumar and K. Wuthrich: Eur. J. Biochem. 114, 375-384 (1981).
25. Build-up rates of the nuclear Overhauser effect measured by two-dimensional proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Implications for studies of protein conformation. Anil Kumar, G. Wagner, R.R. Ernst and K. Wuthrich: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 3654-3658 (1981).
26. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the conformations of cardiotoxin V112 from naja mossambica massambica: W.E. Steinmetz, C. Moonen, Anil Kumar, M. Lazdunski, L. Vissar, F.H.H. Garisson, and K. Wuthrich: Eur. J.Biochem. 120, 467-475 (1981).
27. High resolution NMR studies of the conformation and orientation of melittin bound to a lipid-water interface: L.R. Brown, W. Braun, Anil Kumar and K. Wuthrich: Biophysical Journal 37, 319-328 (1982).
28. Influence of strong coupling on two-dimensional spin-echo multiple quantum NMR. Application to oriented AB system. M. Albert Thomas and Anil Kumar: J. Mag. Res. 47, 535 (1982).
29. Nuclear Overhauser effects and circular dichroism as probes of -turn conformations in acyclic and cyclic peptides with pro-x-sequences. B.N. Narasinga Rao, Anil Kumar, H. Balaram, A. Ravi and P. Balaram: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 105, 7423 (1983).
30. Investigations of coupled spin networks by two-dimensional multiple quantum coherence spectroscopy, M. Albert Thomas and Anil Kumar: J. Magn. Reson., 54, 319 (1983).
31. Application of two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy to oriented AA’BB’ spin system. M. Albert Thomas, K.V. Ramanathan and Anil Kumar: J. Mag. Reson., 55, 386-396 (1983).
32. Homonuclear two-dimensional 1H NMR of proteins: Experimental procedures. G. Wider, S. Macura, Anil Kumar, R.R. Ernst and K. Wuthrich, J. Mag. Reson. 56, 207 (1984).
33. Two-dimensional spin-echo multiple quantum transitions in strongly coupled spin systems : Calculation of spectra. M. Albert Thomas and Anil Kumar, J. Mag. Reson. 56, 479-509 (1984).
34. Conformational studies of nucleoside derivatives using difference nuclear Overhauser effects. N. Gautham, B.N. Narasinga Rao, Anil Kumar and M.A. Viswamitra: Current Science, 53, 71 (1984).
35. Application of two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy for assignment of NMR spectra of peptides. M. Albert Thomas, B.N. Narasinga Rao, P. Balaram and Anil Kumar, Current Science, 53, 225 (1984).
36. A superior pulse scheme for homonuclear two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy. Anil Kumar, R.V. Hosur and K. Chandrasekhar: J. Mag. Reson. 60 143 (1984).
37. Flip angle dependence in Two-dimensional Multiple Quantum Coherence NMR spectroscopy. N. Murali, Y.V.S. Ramakrishna, K. Chandrasekhar, M. Albert Thomas and Anil Kumar: Pramana, 23, 547 (1984).
38. Effect of strong coupling on multiple quantum filtering. M. Albert Thomas and Anil Kumar, J. Mag. Reson. 61, 540, (1985).
39. J-tuning of SUPER COSY as an aid to Resonance Assignments. R.V. Hosur, K.V.R. Chary, Anil Kumar and G. Govil, J. Magn. Reson. 62, 123 (1985).
40. Superior Pulse Schemes for spin-echo and other two-dimensional homonuclear correlated spectroscopies. Anil Kumar, R.V. Hosur, K. Chandrasekhar and N. Murali, J. Magn. Reson. 63 (1985) 107.
41. Cystine peptides. The anti parallel -sheet conformation of two synthetic cyclic bicystine peptides. R. Kishore, Anil Kumar and P. Balaram. J. Am.Chem. Soc. 107, 8019-23, (1985).
42. Multiple-quantum artifacts in single quantum two-dimensional correlated NMR spectra of strongly coupled spins. N.Murali and Anil Kumar. Chem. Phys. Letters. 128, (1) 58-61 (1986).
43. Use of 45o pulse-pair as a filter for pure phase two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. N. Murali, K. Chandrasekhar and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson. 70, 153-156 (1986).
44. Symmetry filtering of NMR spectra of oriented molecules into irreducible representations using two-dimensional correlation spectrocopy. K. Rukmani and Anil Kumar, Chem. Phys. Letters, 133, (6), 485-490 (1987).
45. Optimization of SUPER COSY pulse scheme of two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy. K. Chandrasekhar and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson., 73, 417-422 (1987).
46. Coherence transfer via longitudinal spin order and generalized pulse pair filtering for pure phase two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. N. Murali and Anil Kumar, Chem. Phys. Letters. 137, 324 (1987).
47. Strong coupling and flip-angle dependence of coupling patterns in heteronuclear shift correlation two-dimensional NMR spectra. V.V. Krishnan, S. Raghothama and Anil Kumar: J. Magn. Reson. 79, 328. (1988).
48. Applications of two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy to oriented molecules. Anil Kumar: Current Science, 57 (3) 109-120 (1988).
49. Molecular conformation of alamethicin in dimethylsulfoxide solution. A two-dimensional NMR study. K. Chandrasekhar, M.K. Das, Anil Kumar and P. Balaram: Int. J. Peptide Protein Res. 32, 167 (1988).
50. Recent developments in homo-correlated two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Anil Kumar: Bulletin of Magn. Reson., 10, 96 (1988).
51. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy of connected transitions by linear combination of flip-angle dependent COSY: An alternative scheme for E.COSY, K. Chandrasekhar and Anil Kumar: Mag. Reson. Chem., 26 , 821 (1988).
52. A diffusion equation approach to spin diffusion in biomolecules, V.V. Krishnan, N. Murali and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson. 84, 255 (1989).
53. Proton-proton nuclear Overhauser effect as a probe for symmetry preserving relaxation in oriented molecules, K. Rukmani and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson, 85, 448 (1989).
54. Dipolar cross-correlation effects in the nuclear Overhauser experiments of weakly and strongly coupled spins. V.V. Krishnan and Anil Kumar: J. Magn. Reson. 92, 293 (1991).
55. Optimization of two-dimensional NMR experiments by matched accumulation, Anil Kumar, S.C. Brown, M.E. Donlan, B.U. Meier and P.W. Jeffs, J. Magn. Reson. 95, 1-9 (1991).
56. Spin-diffusion in biomolecules: Effect of higher order terms in the transient NOE experiments, V.V. Krishnan, Usha Hegde and Anil Kumar: J. Magn. Reson, 94, 605-611 (1991).
57. Simultaneous observation of positive and negative NOE in biomolecules: A bi-stable jump model for segmental motion with modulation of inter-nuclear distances, V.V. Krishnan, S.C. Shekar, Anil Kumar: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113, 7542 (1991).
58. Flip angle dependence of non-equilibrium states yielding information on connectivity of transitions and energy levels of oriented molecules. A modified Z-COSY experiment, R. Christy Rani Grace and Anil Kumar: J. Magn. Reson., 99, 81-98 (1992).
59. Cross-peaks in the standard 2D NOE (NOESY) experiment induced by strong couplings even in the absence of relaxation, R. Christy Grace and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson. 97, 184-191 (1992).
60. Nuclear Overhauser effect in coupled spin systems using selective perturbation, V.V. Krishnan and Anil Kumar, Concept in Magnetic Resonance, 4, 245-268 (1992).
61. Effects of cross-correlations in 2D NOE experiments, P.K. Madhu, R.C.R. Grace and Anil Kumar, Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance, 16, 115 (1994).
62. Application of Modified Z-COSY experiment for the analysis of spectra of oriented molecules. The spectrum of cis,cis-Mucanonitrile. R. Christy Rani Grace, N. Suryaprakash, Anil Kumar and C.L. Khetrapal, J. Magn. Reson., A107, 79-82 (1994).
63. Construction of Energy level diagram of oriented Benzene using connectivity information obtained by modified Z-COSY experiment. R. Christy Rani Grace and Anil Kumar, Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences, (Chemical Sciences); 106, 1463-1469 (1994).
64. Cascades of selective pulses on connected single quantum transitions leading to the selective excitation of multiple-quantum coherences. Kavita Dorai and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson, A114, 155-162 (1995).
65. Direct Cartesion Space Solutions of generalized Block equations in the rotating frame. P.K.Madhu and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson, A114, 201-211 (1995).
66. Observation of cross-correlations in a weakly coupled 19F - 1H four spin systems. R.C.R. Grace and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson A115, 87-93 (1995).
67. Effect of dipolar Cross-Correlations on the transverse relaxation of single and multiple quantum coherences in strongly coupled spin systems. P. Kumar and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson. A115, 155-164 (1995).
68. Cross-Correlations in Multi-spin relaxation, Anil Kumar and P.K. Madhu, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 8, 139-160 (1996).
69. Effect of Remote Cross-Correlations on Transverse Relaxation, P. Kumar and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson, A119, 29-37 (1996).
70. Development of Two-dimensional NMR - by perception, Anil Kumar, Encyclopedia of NMR, John Wiley and Sons, 1, 440-441 (1996).
71. Two-dimensional NMR of molecules oriented in liquid crystals. Anil Kumar, Encyclopedia of NMR, John Wiley and Sons, 8, 4857-4866 (1996).
72. Suppression of side bands by variable speed Magic Angle sample spinning (VSMAS) in solid state NMR, P.K. Madhu, R. Pratima and Anil Kumar, Chem. Phys. Letters, 256 87-89 (1996).
73. Bloch Equations Revisited: A New Analytical Solution of Generalized Bloch Equations. P.K. Madhu and Anil Kumar, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 9, 1-12 (1997).
74. Analysis of Spin-Diffusion and Cross Correlation on the Net Nuclear Overhauser Effect in NMR. P.K.Madhu and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson. 127, 168-172 (1997).
75. Off-Resonance Effects in Two-dimensional NQR Spectroscopy using a Single Crystal, T.G. Ajithkumar, K.V. Ramanathan, P.C. Mathias and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson. 135, 165-168 (1998).
76. Fluoroalcohols as structure modifiers in peptides and proteins: Hexafluoroacetone hydrate stabilizes a helical conformation of Melittin at low pH. Surajit Bhattacharyya, J. Venkatraman, Anil Kumar and P. Balaram, J. Peptide Research, 54, 100-111 (1999).
77. Magnetic Resonance: Nuclear Overhauser Effect. Anil Kumar and R.C.R. Grace, Encyclopedia of spectroscopy and spectrometry, Academic Press pp 1643-1653 (1999).
78. Quantitative measurement of cross-correlations between 15N and 13CO chemical shift anisotropy relaxation mechanisms by multiple quantum NMR, Maurizio Pellechia, Yuxi Pang, Lincong Wang, Alexander V. Kurochkin, Anil Kumar and Erik R.P. Zuiderweg, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121, 9165-9170 (1999).
79. Two-dimensional sold-state NMR and separation of 7Li Quadrupolar Interactions in Paramagnetic Compounds, S. Ganapathy, P.R. Rajamohanan, P. Gangulu, T.N. Venkatraman and Anil Kumar, J. Physical Chemistry A104, 2007-2012 (2000).
80. Implementing quantum logic operations, pseudo-pure states and the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm using non-commuting selective pulses in NMR. Kavita Dorai, Arvind and Anil Kumar, Physical Review A 61 042306 - (1-7), (2000).
81. Suppression of Side bands in Two-dimensional Exchange and MQMAS Spectroscopies in Solids by Variable Speed Magic Angle Sample Spinning. T.S. Mahesh, T.G. Ajith Kumar, C.S. Nagaraja, G. Bodenhausen and Anil Kumar, Chemical Physics Letters 319, 278-282 (2000).
82. Cross-correlations in the longitudinal relaxation of strongly coupled spins. Kavita Dorai and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson 145, 8-17 (2000).
83. Cross-correlation in NMR. Anil Kumar, R.C.R. Grace and P.K. Madhu A detailed invited Review published in “Progress in NMR Spectroscopy” Elsevier Science, 37, 191-319, (2000).
84. Environment Induced Correction to spin Hamiltonian as Dynamic Frequency Shifts in NMR. G. Karthik and Anil Kumar, J. Chem. Phys., 113, 7131-7139 (2000).
85. Quantum computations by NMR: Kavita Dorai, T.S. Mahesh, Arvind and Anil Kumar, Current Science, 79, (10) 1447-1458 (2000).
86. Implementing logic gates and Deutsch-Jozsa Quantum Algorithm by two-dimensional NMR using Spin-and Transition-selective pulses. T.S. Mahesh, Kavita Dorai, Arvind and Anil Kumar, J. Magnetic. Resonance, 148, 95-103 (2001).
87. Fluorine Chemical Shift Tensors in substituted Fluorobenzenes using cross-correlations in NMR relaxation, Kavita Dorai and Anil Kumar, Chemical Physics Letters, 335, 176-182 (2001).
88. Implementation of Deutsch-like quantum algorithm utilizing entanglement at two-qubit level, on an NMR quantum information processor, Kavita Dorai, Arvind and Anil Kumar, Phys. Review A 63, 034101, (1-4), (2001).
89. Towards quantum information processing by NMR: I. Pseudo Pure States and Logical Operations using selective pulse on an oriented spin 3/2 nucleus., Neeraj Sinha,T.S. Mahesh, K.V. Ramanathan and Anil Kumar, J. Chem. Phys, 114, 4415-4420 (2001).
90. Ensemble Quantum Information Processing by NMR: Spatially Averaged Logical Labeling Technique for creating pseudo-pure states. T.S. Mahesh and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. A 64 , 012307, (2001).
91. Quantum Entanglement in the NMR implementation of Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm. Arvind, Kavita Dorai and Anil Kumar, Pramana – Journal of Physics, 56, 705-713 (2001).
92. Ensemble Quantum Information Processing by NMR: Implementation of gates and the creation of pseudo-pure state using dipolar coupled spins as qubits. T.S. Mahesh, Neeraj Sinha, K.V. Ramanathan and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. A 65, 022312 (2002).
93. Quantum Information Processing by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Experimental implementation of Half-adder and Subtractor using an oriented 7/2 spin-system. K.V.R.M. Murali, Neeraj Sinha, T.S. Mahesh, Malcolm H. Levitt, K.V. Ramanathan and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. A 66, 022313 (2002).
94. Developments in Quantum Information Processing by NMR: Use of Quadrupolar and Dipolar couplings. Anil Kumar, K.V. Ramanathan, T.s. Mahesh, Neeraj Sinha and K.V.R.M Murali, Pramana, Journal of Physics, 59 (2), 243-254 (2002).
95. Implementation of Conditional Phase Shift Gate for Quantum Information Processing by NMR, using transition selective pulses. Ranabir Das, T.S. Mahesh and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson., 159, 46-54 (2002).
96. Experimental implementation of Grover’s search algorithm using Efficient Quantum State Tomography, Ranabir Das, T.S. Mahesh and Anil Kumar, Chem. Phys. Letters, 369, 8-15 (2003).
97. Use of cross-correlated NMR relaxation for study of motional anisotropy of liquid crystals, Rangeet Bhattacharyya and Anil Kumar, Chem. Phys. Letters, 372, 35-44 (2003).
98. Efficient Quantum State Tomography for Quantum Information Processing using two-dimensional Fourier Transform Technique. Ranabir Das, T.S. Mahesh and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. A , 67 062304 (2003).
99. Use of quadrupolar nuclei for quantum information processing by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Implementation of a Quantum Algorithm, Ranabir Das and Anil Kumar, Physical Review A 68 032304 (2003).
100. Quantum Information Processing by NMR using Strongly Coupled Spins, T.S. Mahesh, Neeraj Sinha, Arindam Ghosh, Ranabir Das, N. Suryaprakash, M.H. Levitt, K.V. Ramanathan and Anil Kumar, Current Science, 85 (7) 932-944 (2003).
101. Quantum Information Processing by NMR: Preparation of pseudo-pure states and implementation of Unitary operations in a single qutrit system, Ranabir Das, Avik Mitra, S. Vijaykumar and Anil Kumar, International Journal of Quantum Information 1 , (3) 387-394 (2003).
102. A fast method for the measurement of long spin-lattice relaxation times by single scan inversion recovery experiment, Rangeet Bhattacharyya and Anil Kumar, Chem. Phys. Letters, 383, 99-103 (2004).
103. Search for optimum labeling schemes in qubit systems for quantum information processing by NMR, Ranabir Das, Sukhendu Chakraborty, K. Rukmani and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev A 70, 012314 (2004). (Also available at quant-ph 0403005).
104. Quantum Information Processing by NMR, using a 5-qubit system formed by dipolar coupled spins in an oriented molecule, Ranabir Das, Rangeet Bhattacharyya and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson. 170, 310-321 (2004). (Also available at quant-ph/0409186).
105. Quantum Information Processing by NMR: Implementation of Inversion-on-equality gate, Parity gate and Fanout gate, T.Gopinath, Ranabir Das and Anil Kumar, Proceedings of Indian National Science Academy, 70A, No. 5, 649-658 (2004).
106. Spectral Implementation of some quantum algorithms by one- and two- dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance, Ranabir Das and Anil Kumar, J. Chem. Phys., 121, 7601-7613 (2004).
107. Use of Spatial Encoding in NMR Photography, Krishna Kishor Dey, Rangeet Bhattacharayya and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson. 171, 359-363 (2004).
108. Relaxation of Pseudo pure states: The role of Cross-Correlations, Arindam Ghosh and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson. 173, 125-133 (2005).
109. Programmable quantum state discriminator by nuclear magnetic resonance, T. Gopinath, Ranabir Das and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. A, 71, 042307 (2005).
110. Implementation of parallel search algorithm using spatial encoding, Rangeet Bhattacharyya, Ranabir Das, K.V. Ramanathan and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. A 71, 052313 (2005).
111. Use of non adiabatic Geometric Phase for Quantum Computing by nuclear magnetic resonance, Ranabir Das, S,K,Karthick Kumar and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson., 177, 318-328 (2005).
112. Experimental Implementation of Local Adiabatic Evolution Algorithms by an NMR Quantum Information Processor, Avik Mitra, Arindam Ghosh, Ranabir Das, Apoorva Patel and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson., 177, 285-298 (2005).
113. Experimental Measurement of Mixed State Geometric Phase by Quantum Interferometry using NMR, Arindam Ghosh and Anil Kumar, Physics Letters A, 349, 27-36 (2005).
114. Experimental Implementation of a quantum algorithm in a multiqubit NMR system formed by an oriented 7/2 spin, Ranabir Das and Anil Kumar, Applied Physics letters, 89, 024107 (2006).
115. Geometric Quantum Computation using fictitious spin-1/2 subspaces of Strongly Coupled Spins, T. Gopinath and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. A, 73, 022326 (2006).
116. Spin-diffusion approach for relaxation in bi-spaced periodic one-dimensional systems,
Mrignayani Kotecha, Alok Shukla, Lakshman Pandey and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson., 181, 112-117 (2006). 117. Hadamard NMR Spectroscopy for two-dimensional Quantum Information Processing and Parallel Search Algorithm. T. Gopinath and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Reson., 183, 259-268 (2006).
118. Experimental implementation of a 3-qubit quantum game with corrupt source using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Quantum Information Processor, Avik Mitra, Sivapriya Kirubakaran and Anil Kumar; J. Magn. Reson., 187, 306-313 (2007).
119. NMR implementation of adiabatic 1-SAT Algorithm using Strongly Modulated Pulses, Avik Mitra, T.S. Mahesh and Anil Kumar, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 124110 (2008).
120. Implementation of Controlled phase shift gates and Collins version of Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm on a quadrupolar spin-7/2 nucleus using non-adiabatic geometric phases. T. Gopinath and Anil Kumar, J. Magn. Resonan. 193, 168-176 (2008).
121. Implementation of Liouville Space Search algorithm on strongly coupled spins, T. Gopinath and Anil Kumar, "Future Directions of Magnetic Resonance" special issue to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of the Indian National Science Academy, Springer Verlag, (2010, pp 239-249).
122. Experimental implementation of quantum Ulam's problem in an Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Quantum Information Processor, Avik Mitra and Anil Kumar, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science; Special issue on “"Quantum computation - current trends and implementations", Vol 89, No 3, 309-316 (2009).
123. Two-Dimensional NMR of Molecules oriented in Liquid Crystals-Recent Developments, Anil Kumar and N. Suryaprakash, Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance, eds R. K. Harris and R. E. Wasylishen, John Wiley; DOI:10.1002/9780470034590.emrstm1177.(Published 15th Dec. 2009).Also reprinted in “Multidimentional NMR Methods for Solution State” Eds. G.A. Morris and J.W. Emsley, Wiley, UK (2010) pages 401-434.
124. Non-Destructive discrimination of Bell States by NMR using a single ancilla qubit. Jharana Rani Samal, Manu Gupta, P. Panigrahi and Anil Kumar, J. Phys. B. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 095508 (2010).
125. Single file diffusion of confined water inside SWNTs: An NMR Study, Anindya Das, S. Jayanthi, H.S. Vinay Deepak, K.V. Ramanathan, Anil Kumar, C. Dasgupta and A.K. Sood, ACS-Nano, 4, 1687-1695 (2010). (Also see ACS Nano 4, 3537 (2010), reply to comments).
126. Experimental Test of Quantum No-Hiding Theorem, Jharana Rani Samal, Arun K. Pati and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. Letters; 106, 080401, (25 Feb., 2011).
127. Algorithmic approach to simulate Hamiltonian dynamics, and NMR simulation of quantum state transfer. Ashok Ajoy, Rama Koteswara Rao, Anil Kumar and Pranaw Rungta, Phys. Rev A (Rapid Comm). 85, 030303 (R), (2012).
128. Entanglement in a 3-spin Heisenberg-XY chain with nearest neighbour interaction simulated in an NMR quantum simulator; K. Rama Kotewara Rao and Anil Kumar, International Journal Quantum Information, 10, 1250039 (2012). (Also available here).
129. Singlet State Creation and Universal Quantum Computation in NMR using a Genetic Algorithm; V.S. Manu and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. A 86, 022324 (2012).
130. Multipartite quantum correlations reveal frustration in quantum Ising spin systems:
Experimental demonstration; K. Rama Koteswara Rao, Hemant Katiyar, T. S. Mahesh, Aditi Sen(De), Ujjwal Sen and Anil Kumar; Phys. Rev. A 88, 022312 (2013). 131. Fast and accurate quantification using Genetic A;lgorithm optimized 1H-13C refocused Constant time INEPT; V.S. Manu and Anil Kumar; J. Magn. Reson. 234, 106-111 (2003).
132. Quantum Simulations usinf fidelity-profile optimization; V.S. Manu and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. A 89, 052331 (2014).
133. Efficient simulation of unitary operators by combining two numerical algorithms: An NMR simulation of the mirror-inversion propagator of an XY spin chain. K. Rama Koteswara Rao, T.S. Mahesh and Anil Kumar, Phys. Rev. A 90, 012306, (2014).
List of Conference Publications/Presentations
1. High resolution NMR spectra of 1, 3-difluoro-4, 6-dinitrobenzene. Anil Kumar: Proceedings of Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium. Bombay 1966, p268.
2. Nuclear magnetic relaxation in a quadrupole broadened spectrum of a two-spin system (AB) by double resonance. Anil Kumar and B.D.N. Rao : Proceedings of Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium, 1968 (pub. 1969), 3, 114.
3. Transient oscillation in NMR cross-polarization experiments in solids. L. Muller, Anil Kumar, T. Baumann and R.R. Ernst: XVIII Congress Ampere, Nottingham, U.K., (1974), p557.
4. Spin-locking and adiabatic demagnetization using pulsed r.f. fields. Anil Kumar: First European Experimental NMR Conference, Canterbury, U.K. April 1974.
5. Echo modulations caused by Proton-carbon couplings in the spin-echo carbon-13, T2 measurements. Anil Kumar: Second European experimental NMR Conference, Enschede, The Netherlands, Nov. 1975.
6. Two-dimensional spin-echo spectroscopy: Anil Kumar, W.P. Aue, P. Bachmann, J. Karhan, L. Muller and R.R. Ernst , XIX Congress Ampere, Heidelberg, Germany, 1976, p 473-478.
7. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy: R.R. Ernst, W.P. Aue, P. Bachmann, J. Karhan, Anil Kumar, L. Muller, Proc. IV Ampere Int. Summer School. Pula, Yugoslavia, p.89 1976.
8. Influence of strong proton-proton couplings in one and two-dimensional carbon-13 spin-echo spectroscopy. Anil Kumar: VI International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance, Banff, Canada, May 1977. 9. PMR study including 13C - 1H satellites in acetone oriented in a nematic solvent, C.L. Khetrapal, Anil Kumar, A.C. Kunwar, P.C. Mathias and K.V. Ramanathan, Proc. Liq. Cryst. Conf. Bangalore, Heyden & Sons (1980) p.465.
10. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy of molecules oriented in liquid crystals, C.L. Khetrapal, Anil Kumar, A.C. Kunwar, P.C. Mathias and K.V.Ramanathan, Proc. Liq. Cryst. Conf. Bangalore, Heyden & Sons (1980) p 469.
11. Application of two-dimensional NMR to the study of the cross-relaxation network in biological macromolecules: Anil Kumar, K. Wuthrich and R.R. Ernst, 21st Experimental NMR Conference, Tallahasse, Florida, USA, March 1980.
12. Search and Discoveries along the outskirts of two-dimensional spectroscopy: R.R. Ernst, W.P. Aue, P. Brunner, D.P. Burum, Y. Huang, Anil Kumar, M. Linder, S. Macura, B.H. Meier, A. Minoretti, K. Nagayama and M. Reinhold: 21st Experimental NMR Conference, Tallahasse, Florida, USA, March 1980.
13. High resolution 1H NMR techniques for conformational studies of biological macromolecules: K. Wuthrich, K. Nagayama, L.R. Brown, S.L. Gordon, R.M. Keller, Anil Kumar, R. Richarz and G. Wagner: 21st Experimental NMR Conference, Tallahasse, Florida, USA, March 1980.
14. Study of cross-relaxation and nuclear Overhauser effects by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. S. Macura, R.R. Ernst, Anil Kumar and K. Wuthrich: VII International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance, Delft, Netherlands, Aug. 1980.
15. High resolution 1H NMR techniques for conformational studies of proteins in solutions and in lipid matrices: K. Wuthrich, W. Braun, L.R. Brown, R.R. Ernst, S.L .Gordon, R.M. Keller, Anil Kumar, K. Nagayama, R. Richarz and G. Wagner: IX International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Bendor, France, Sept. 1980.
16. Study of relaxation in coupled spin-systems by Fourier double resonance. M. Albert Thomas, K.V.Ramanathan and Anil Kumar: Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium, Delhi 1980.
17. Two-dimensional spin-echo multiple quantum NMR spectroscopy: Calculation of spectra. M. Albert Thomas and Anil Kumar, Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium, Bombay,24c, 409 (1981).
18. Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy: Application to oriented AA’BB’ spin system. M. Albert Thomas, K.V.Ramanathan and Anil Kumar: Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium, Varanasi, Dec. 1982 Abst. No.SH A 25, p 131.
19. Use of two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy in conformational studies of biomolecules. Anil Kumar: Special Symposium on Molecular Biophysics and Biocrystallography, Madras, Dec. 1982, A26.
20. Nuclear Overhauser effects and circular dichroism as probes of reverse turn structures in peptides. B.N. Narasinga Rao, Anil Kumar, A.Ravi, H. Balaram and P. Balaram. Special Symposium on Molecular Biophysics and Biocrystallography, Madras, Dec. 1982, B 15.
21. SUPER COSY and SUER SECSY Pulse schemes for two-dimensional NMR. Anil Kumar, R.V. Hosur and K. Chandrasekhar, Proceedings of 22nd Congress Ampere on Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena, Zurich, Switzerland, Sept. (1984), p. 570.
22. SUPER COSY and SUPER SECSY pulse schemes for Biological systems. Anil Kumar, R.V. Hosur, K. Chandrasekhar and N. Murali, XI International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Goa, India, Sept. (1984), Invited talk : and in ‘Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine’ Eds. G. Govil, C.L. Khetrapal and A. Saran, Pub. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1985), p3.
23. Optimization of SUPER COSY for Resonance Assignments in biological systems. R.V. Hosur, K.V.R. Chary, Anil Kumar and G. Govil, XI International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Goa, India, Sept. 1984, T4.
24. Recent Advances in Homonuclear Two-dimensional NMR techniques for resonance assignment of Biomolecules. Anil Kumar, R.V. Hosur, K. Chandrasekhar, N. Murali, K.V.R. Chary and G. Govil, International Symposium on ‘Biomolecular Structure and Interactions’, Bangalore, Dec.1984, P-16.
25. Two-dimensional NMR studies on tetracetyl melittin. K. Chandrasekhar, K. Lahiri, M.K. Das, P. Balaram and Anil Kumar, XII International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Todtmoos, Germany, Sept. 1986, p.19.
26. Spin-temperature and amplitude of multiple quantum coherence of strongly coupled spins. N. Murali and Anil Kumar, Proceedings of 23rd Congress Ampere on Magnetic Resonance, Rome, Italy, Sept. 1986, 256-257.
27. Two-dimensional NMR Spectroscopy for symmetry filtering of spectra of oriented molecules. K. Rukmani and Anil Kumar: Solid State Physics Symposium, Pantnagar, Dec. 1986, 29C, p.35.
28. Carry-over of non-equilibrium as multiple-quantum artifacts in two-dimensional correlated spectra of strongly coupled spins. N. Murali and Anil Kumar, Solid State Physics Symposium, Pantnagar, Dec. 1986, 29C, p.206.
29. Flip angle dependence in two-dimensional heteronuclear shift correlation spectra of strongly coupled spins. V.V. Krishnan, S. Raghothama and Anil Kumar, Solid State Physics Symposium, Pantnagar, Dec. 1986, 29C, p. 230.
30. A diffusion equation approach to magnetization transfer process in biomolecules. V.V. Krishnan, N. Murali and Anil Kumar, XIII International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, August (1988), p.8-3.
31. Molecular conformation of alamethicin: A two-dimensional NMR study, K. Chandrasekhar, M.K. Das, Anil Kumar and P. Balaram, XIII International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, August (1988), p.14-2.
32. Effect of segmental motion in the 1H - 1H NOE spectra of biomolecules , V.V. Krishnan and Anil Kumar, Solid State Symp. Madras, Dec. 1989, p320.
33. Cross-correlations and spin diffusion in biomolecules, Anil Kumar, V.V. Krishnan and N. Murali, 31st Experimental NMR Conference, Asilmore, USA, April (1990) p.21.
34. Optimization of two-dimensional NMR by matched accumulation, Anil Kumar, S.C. Brown, M.E. Donlan, B.U. Meier and P.W. Jeffs, XIV International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Warwick, UK, Sept. (1990), M2-1.
35. Non-diffusive transport of magnetization in transient nuclear Overhauser experiments in NMR, V.V. Krishnan, Usha Hegde and Anil Kumar, Solid State Symposium, Bombay, Jan. 1991, p.350.
36. Towards determination of precise molecular structure in solution by NMR, Anil Kumar and V.V. Krishnan: Presented in the Workshop on “Future Directions of Research in Magnetic Resonance”, Bangalore Jan. 1991, and its proceedings titled “Magnetic Resonance - Current Trends” , Eds. C.L. Khetrapal and G. Govil, Narosa-Springer (1991) 52-70.
37. Molecular conformation of leucine zervamicin in solution using one and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, V.V. Krishnan, K. Krishna, Anil Kumar and P. Balaram: Presented in First INDO-USSR symposium on Magnetic Resonance, Bangalore, Jan. 1991 and its proceedings titled “Magnetic Resonance - Current Trends”, Eds. C.L. Khetrapal and G. Govil, Narosa-Springer (1991) 150-155.
38. Non-linear effects in standard 2D NOE experiments in coupled spin systems, R. Christy Rani Grace and Anil Kumar, Invited talk in the XI Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance, Vancouver, Canada, August 1992; Proceedings in Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 14, 1, 42-56 (1992).
39. Manifestation of cross-term in many body interactions in NMR relaxation P.K. Madhu and Anil Kumar, Solid State Symposium, Bombay Dec. 1993.
40. “Cross-correlations: obstacles or tools for structure determination of biomolecules” in “NMR as a structural tool for macromolecules”: Current status and future directions” , Eds. B.D.Nageswara Rao and M.D.Kemple, Plenum Press, New York, (1996) pp 135-143.
41. Two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect experiment in a protein: the First NOESY (1979-80), Anil Kumar, Presented in the “Kurt Wuthrich Chemistry Nobel (2002) celebration symposium” held during the 44th Experimental NMR Conference (ENC), Savannah, Georgia, USA, March 30- April 4, 2003. Published in Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 41 S26-S32 (2003).
42. Use of Geometric Phase in Quantum Information Processing by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Arindan Ghosh, Ranabir Das, T. Gopinath and Anil Kumar, Proceedings of Workshop on “Quantum Information Computation and Communication” (QICC-2005), held at Indian Institute of Technology, Khargpur, (Feb., 2005), Eds. S.P. Pal and S. Kumar, Allied Publishers, India, pages 57-98 (2006).
43. Non-destructive discrimination of arbitrary set of orthogonal quantum states by NMR using quantum phase estimation, V.S. Manu and Anil Kumar, “75 years of Entanglement: Foundations and Information Theoretic Applications” (Kolkata, Jan 2011), AIP Conf. Proc. 1384, 229-240 (2011); doi:10.1063/1.3635867. (Also available here)
Modified: Spet. 29, 2015