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2(n)-SEMA- a sensitive and offset compensated SLF pulse sequence.
S. Jayanthi and K. V. Ramanathan J. Chem. Phys. 132, 134501 (2010)
PISEMA and Effective field
2(4)-SEMA and Effective field
2(4)-SEMA spectra of N-acetyl-DL-valine single crystal
Sensitivity Comparison - 15N-acetyl-DL-valine (submitted)
Visualization of Enantiomers in the Liquid Crystaline phase of fragmented DNA.
Sujay P Sau and K. V. Ramanathan, J. Phys. Chem B, 113, 1530, (2009).
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Alanine in DNA
Reconstruction of solid state J-resolved experiments from 1D spectra
Bibhuti B Das, Avik Mitra and K.V. Ramanathan, Chem. Phys. Lett., 442, 474 (2007).
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Reconstruction Strategy
Invited review on Oriented Molecules : by K. V. Ramanathan, Nitin P Lobo and C. L. Khetrapal
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DAPT a new heteronuclear polarization transfer pulse scheme without
Hartmann-Hahn Match - for oriented systems.
S. Jayanthi, P. K. Madhu and K. V. Ramanathan, J. Phys. Chem A, 112, 11159, (2008).
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DAPT 1D Pulse Scheme            
DAPT-2D Pulse Sequence
2D SLF-PELF Spectra
2D - Cross-Sections.: Liquid crystal EBBA
Offset variation under DAPT
2H-13C Correlation using DAPT.
S. Jayanthi and K.V. Ramanathan, Volume 487, Issues 1-3, 25 February 2010, Pages 122-128.
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14N - OVERTONE in NAV single crystal : Excitation and Correlation using DAPT.
(S. Jayanthi, K. V. Ramanathan, Chem. Phys. Lett, submitted).
Constant time DAPT
Utility of phase altered sequences in SLF- DOPA.
Bibhuti B Das, N. Sinha and K. V. Ramanathan, J. Magn. Reson., 194, 237, (2008).
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The Pulse Sequence
Improved pulse schemes for separated local field spectroscopy for static and spinning samples
Bibhuti B Das, T. G. Ajithkumar and K.V. Ramanathan, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 33, 57, (2008).
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The Pulse Sequence: EXE-MS2
Conformational mobility in an Alkyl chain of an Anchored bilayer
R. Suresh, N. Venkataraman, S. Vasudevan, and K.V. Ramanathan, J.Phys.Chem.C, 111, 495, (2007).
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13C MAS NMR of the anchored bilayer, Cd0.83PS3(CTA)0.34, at different temperatures (a) with cross-polarization (CP) and (b) without CP. The numbering of the carbon atoms along the length of the chain is indicated. (c) The intensity ratio of the 33 ppm resonance in the 13C MAS NMR without CP, I33/(I33 + I35), at different temperatures
updated @ 31' may-2010