(a) The Indian Academy of Sciences,1987 (b) The National Academy of Sciences,1989 (c) The Indian National Science Academy,1991 (d) The Third World Academy of Sciences,Trieste,Italy,1997
(a) International Council of Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems(1984-94) (b) IUPAB SPecial Commission on NMR in Biology and Medicine (1994-97) (c) Editorial Board of "Concept in Magnetic Resonance" by John Wiley & Sons.(1994-Contd.) (d) Council of National Academy of Sciences, India(1997-98 ) (e) Academic Committee of Raman Research Institute, Bangalore(1997-98)
(a) Platinum Jubilee Lecture Award of Indian Science Congress Association 1994 (b) Sir C.V.Raman medal for Research in Physical Sciences by UGC 1993 (c) Chair of MSIL Professor of I.I.Sc., Bangalore (1994-97) (d) Prof.K.Rangadhama Rao Memorial Lecture Award of INSA (1996) (e) Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce ad Inustry (FICCI) Award for "Physical Sciences including Mathematics"(1996-97) (g) Alumni Award of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore for "Excellence in Research in Science" for the year 2000.
(a) Invited to the "Chaire Condorcet" by Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, France, (April-June 1998). (b) President, National Magnetic Resonance Society (2000 - 2002). (c) Designated as "Honorary Professor" after superannuation (2003) at the Indian Institute of Science for a period of 5 years.