Anil Kumar

NASI Senior Scientist Platinum Jubilee Fellow
NMR Research Centre
& Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, India


                                      Working in the area of technique development in multi-
                                      dimensional NMR Spectroscopy and their appplications 
                                      in the study of biomolecules.  Also interested in study 
                                      of relaxation as applied to dynamics of molecules in
                                      solution and internal motions in solids.Have contributed 
                                      to the development of many  two-dimensional  NMR  experi-
                                      ments including the first experiment, and several later.
                                      Have applied these methods for the study of biomolecules 
                                      especially the first application of 2D Nuclear Overhanser 
                                      Effect to  biomolecules.Have also applied these techniques 
                                      to study molecules  oriented in liquid crystal matrices.  
                                      Have extensively studied the effect of strong coupling in 
                                      2D spectroscopy including in 1D double resonance techniques.  
                                      Currently studying effect of Cross-Correlations in multispin 
                                      relaxation and its effects in  study of biomolecules, and  
                                      solids.  Also interested in NMR Imaging.

Current Interest is also in Quantum Computing by NMR in which the group has used transition and spin-selective pulses in one and two dimensional NMR to (i) prepare pseudo-pure states (ii) execute logical gates and (iii) implement Deutsch-Jozse quantum algorithm. Efforts are going on to increase the number of qubits by use of quadrupolar and dipolar coupled spins oriented in liquid crystal matrices.
