Aug. 10, 2021
August 2021: The NMR Research Centre has been closed.
Aug. 1, 2020
Due to Covid-19 situation, NMRS-2021 has been postponed.
Webinar series will be started from August 4, 2020.
Nov. 1, 2019
NMR Centre will be conducting a one day workshop on December 2, 2019. This will be an academia-industry interaction, jointly with JEOL India, which will be suitable for young research scholars, practicing young NMR spectroscopists, both from academia and industry.
Sept. 11, 2019
NMRS-2020, the 26th Conference of National Magnetic Resonance Society of India will be organised by National Facility For Drug Discovery Complex [NFDD], Saurashtra University, Rajkot from February 18-21, 2020. The conference will cover NMR and its applications to Chemistry, Biology and Medicine which will also include talks on MRI and MRS in clinical & preclinical research.
Dec. 20, 2018
Department of NMR and MRI Facility of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi will be hosting NMRS-2019, the 25th Conference of National Magnetic Resonance Society of India during February 13-16, 2019. The theme of the conference will be "Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine in Clinical and Pre-clinical Research".
May 23, 2018
To commemorate the 25th Year of the National Magnetic Resonance Society of India, workshops covering basic aspects of Magnetic Resonance and its applications will be held at Rajkot, Chennai, Behrampur, Darjeeling and Roorkee spanning from July to November 2018.
Nov. 13, 2017
NMRS-2018 (February 16-19, 2018) will be hosted by Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali. The theme will be "Frontiers of Interdisciplinary NMR: Applications to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine". Shall include sessions on all aspects of magnetic resonance ranging from Biomolecular NMR and Diffusion NMR to NMR Metabolomics and Imaging.
June 30, 2016
NMR Centre, IISc, Bangalore will be hosting the 7th Asia Pacific NMR Symposium and the 23rd Annual meeting of the National Magnetic Resonance Society (NMRS) during February 16-19, 2017.
Feb.16, 2015
The NMR Research Centre will be conducting a two day Symposium on Recent Advances in NMR Spectroscopy during July 16-17, 2015 at IISc, Bangalore.
Mar. 10, 2013
The Sophisticated Analytical Instruments Facility, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore conducted a short duration Workshop during March 7-9, 2013 at IISc, Bangalore.
Nov. 4, 2011
As a part of National Magnetic Resonance Society (NMRS) annual meeting a four day event - Symposium on New Developments in NMR and Conference of National Magnetic Resonance Society is being planned during Feb 5-8, 2012 at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Feb. 9, 2010
The Sophisticated Analytical Instruments Facility, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore is planning to hold a SAIF Users' One-Day Symposium on March 9, 2010 at the NMR Research Centre of the Institute. Link available on the main page.
June 13, 2008
NMR spectroscopy continues to be a vibrant field with continuous developments and applications to several branches of Science. The enormous growth of the field as of today in chemical, biological applications has rendered it as an indispensable analytical tool. Protein Structure Determination in solution and solid state, MRI and its applications, fMRI, low field MRI and quantum computing are the emerging areas. In order to highlight these developments and to lay stress on the potential of NMR, a three day international symposium is being organised as a part of Indian Institute of Science's centenary celebration during October 20-22, 2008.
May 12, 2008
NMR Centre conducts a "A National School on A New Dimension to NMR: From Molecules to Human Behaviour" at Indian Inst. of Science, Bangalore from May 12 to May 17, 2008 The idea of the school is to acquaint the teachers and research scholars of the Universites from all over the country with basic principles, latest devlopments, applications and potentials of NMR to basic as well as multidisciplinary research including human behaviour.
NMR Centre conducts a "One Day Symposium on Future Directions of NMR and Users Meeting" at Indian Inst. of Science, Bangalore on August 25, 2007.
Jan.17, 2007
NMR Centre organises a Summer School on "A New Dimension to NMR : From Molecules to Human Behaviour" is being planned to be held at Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Gangtok, Sikkim during May 27 - June 1, 2007.
Jul.20, 2006
NMRS announces Prof. S. Subramanian's 60th Birth Day Lecture Award. The award has been instituted from an endowment received to honour Prof.S.Subramanian, formerly Professor of Chemistry at IIT, Chennai and presently at NIH, Washington D.C., USA from his students and colleagues. It will be given annually to an outstanding scientist working in any area of magnetic resonance.
Dec.28, 2004
The study of structure and dynamics in the solid state has been a major thrust area in the field of NMR and encompasses a wide area of research. In the area of biology, it is now possible to use solid state NMR experiments for the studies of the dynamical and motional properties of proteins, protein design andengineering, DNA structures and gene regulation, structural basis of molecular recognition, lipid membrane dynamics, lipid-protein and lipid-drug interactions, membrane proteins and ion channels. In recent years, there have been several technological improvements in solid state NMR studies.
In order to highlight these developments and to lay stress on the potential of solid state NMR to biological studies, a three day workshop is being organized as a satellite event of the 21st ICMRBS during January 24-26, 2005 at SIF,IISc,Bangalore.
Oct.24, 2002
SIF organises a "Special Symposium on Recent Developments in NMR Methodology" and "National Symposium on Magnetic Resonance" during February 3-6, 2003.
The "Special Symposium on Recent Developments in NMR Methodology" (3-4, February 2003) shall cover several new and emerging areas such as, ex-situ NMR, Solid State NMR in Biology, MQMAS, recent studies in NMR in Structural Biology and Quantum Computing by NMR. The session will consist of invited talks of about half an hour each. The "National Symposium on Magnetic Resonance" (5-6, February 2003) will be devoted to Magnetic Resonance and their applications to all areas of science. Both oral and poster sessions are planned.
Nov.13, 2001
SIF has organised a "National Workshop on Solid state NMR; Practice and Prospects" during 5-7, November 2001. The workshop was devoted to the basic theoretical and experimental aspects of solid state NMR, highlighting applications and recent developments in the field. Various researchers from all over the country have attended the workshop.
May 18, 2001
SIF has conducted a one day users' workshop on May 1, 2001 for the users of SIF. Approximately 60 participants from various Universities and R&D Laboratories have attended. The main use of this workshop was to familiarise NMR processing software and encourage people to process their own data set obtainded from SIF. (Training for 1-D data processing was given using MestRe-C and for 2-D processing using X-Winnmr)
IISc users are also, recently encouraged to do the NMR data processing on their own. Users are requested to take advantage of free software MestRe-C to process their data.
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